It's time to clean-up a bit the verbose implementation as received within the initial DAS MCD demo code...
- let's remove redundant request to user for entering un-necessary parameters. As for example, let's remove the respective user questions when there is only one target HW connected to the host PC: there is no need to ask to which hardware to connect.
- let's improve the error messages when tool is started without target HW. As for example, if better to clearly message that there is no hardware connected, and thus the tool has to quit. Here as for example:
Test with multiple target HW connected to the host computer
as for example, the new tool, will recognize if there is more than one target HW connected to the host PC, and in such case (only is such case - in fact, if there is only one HW, the toll will connect directly to it), will prompt to enter what is the target HW we like to connect with. As for example (here one TC275x and one TC1767 board kit):
The rest is self-explainable...
Code is available at:
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