Initially I thought I had to develop also the flasher application as part of my AURIXocd project (now renamed as 'AurixDebugger'). But, then I found that Aurix Development Studio (ADS), from version 1.4 is also delivering a flasher application. You can find it in the ADS installation folder. In my case it is under:
Such, in my system results into:
By reverse engineer, I found some command line options, as:
- -help: to get help
- -detect: to connect and detect the target hardware only (e.g. what AURIX™ board/device is connected to)
- -hex: to specify the INTEL HEX file to be flashed into AURIX™ device.
Actually I just did some experiments and found the way to use the '-hex' option by command line, as for example:
> AurixFlasher.exe -hex C:\...\AURIX-v1.4.0-workspace\Arduino_KIT_TC275_LK\Debug\Arduino_KIT_TC275_LK.hex
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