Another interesting experiment is to read AURIX™ ports via the DAS connection, thus making use of the hidden and low-level JTAG connection to TC275x device. In the previous experiment (Write IO via DAS), we did already check that port P0 is set with pull-up at inputs, therefore I would expect that the Button 1 pull against GND; as also stated in the AURIX Lite board user manual:
Let's try now to read the Button 1 status (P00.7)
To do so, we need just to read the pit 7 of the P00_IN, at address 0xF003A024 (without touching the Button 1):
Now, I will press the Button 1 and I will trigger the Read via DAS server:
By that, I learnt the basics on boundary scan without the need to have a complex and expensive JTAG Boundary Scan tool for AURIX™. Next time we will do something more advanced via the DAS server...
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